27–03—2024 LETOHRADSKÁ 10

Danish musician and songwriter ML Buch tried her hand at being a keen observer of online life and the real world, sunlit and sea-washed, on both Skinned and last year’s Suntub. Her atmospheric sound design and penchant for a variety of guitars (from seven-string to fretless) will be heard live for the first time on 27 March at the Letohradská 10 Community and Cultural Centre.

ML Buch creates his music with precision and feeling – the raw material is created by immersing oneself in playing, the composing works as a means to evoke random magical moments. Her live performances, whether solo or as part of a band, reflect her love of combining seven-string electric guitars in open tunings with synthetic instruments and electronic experimentation in general. Elements of vaporwave, shoegazing and 90s indie rock meet a distorted voice telling stories of life in a virtual world.


Heartnoize Promotion s.r.o.
+420 774 580 138

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IN: 09662278
VAT: CZ09662278


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